How to sort elements in a list in ALGOL?

Discover how to sort elements in a list using ALGOL programming language in this comprehensive guide. Ideal for anyone seeking to improve their ALGOL skills.

Sorting elements in a list is a fundamental aspect of programming, and ALGOL programming language is no exception. Understanding how to sort elements in ALGOL is vital for anyone aiming to make their algorithms efficient and their code cleaner. The sort operation may seem simple, but achieving it depends on an effective approach. This topic aims to guide users about various methods available for sorting elements within a list in ALGOL, such as using the built-in sort functions, writing custom sorting algorithms, and more. It also seeks to clarify the syntaxes used, any parameter requirements, and possible pitfalls that might be encountered.

How to sort elements in a list in ALGOL?
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How to sort elements in a list in ALGOL?

Sorting a list sequentially in ALGOL can be achieved through multiple algorithms but the most commonly used approach is the Bubble sort convention. Here are the steps detailing how you can sort a list in ALGOL using bubble sort.

Step 1:
Begin by defining the list that needs to be sorted. In ALGOL, you can define a list as a one-dimensional array. Make sure the list has been initialized properly with the desired elements.

    INTEGER ARRAY list[1:5];
    list[1] := 5;
    list[2] := 3;
    list[3] := 4;
    list[4] := 1;
    list[5] := 2;

Step 2:
Implement the Bubble sort algorithm. Bubble sort works by repeatedly swapping the adjacent elements if they are in the wrong order.

    INTEGER i, j, tmp;
    FOR i := 1 STEP 1 UNTIL 5 DO
        FOR j := 1 STEP 1 UNTIL 4 DO
            IF list[j] > list[j+1] THEN
                    tmp := list[j];
                    list[j] := list[j+1];
                    list[j+1] := tmp;

This part of the code initializes two loops; the outer loop (with 'i') traverses through the entire list for the number of elements present. The inner loop (with 'j') compares each element with the next one. If the current element (list[j]) is bigger than the next element (list[j+1]), they are swapped.

Step 3:
Finally, you should display your list that has now been sorted. You can loop through your sorted list and print the elements. Once the program runs, it will display all the elements of your sorted list.

    FOR i := 1 STEP 1 UNTIL 5 DO

This entire program sorts your list in ascending order. It implements the Bubble Sort technique in ALGOL to first sort your list and then finally print the sorted list.

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