Avoid catching an exception of type Exception, RuntimeException or Throwable: CAST Software Issues

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September 13, 2024
Learn why catching generic exceptions like Exception, RuntimeException, or Throwable can compromise Java apps, and discover best practices for more effective error handling with CAST AIP.

Exception handling is among the most crucial activities in the development of robust and reliable Java applications. Good error handling allows for easiness with which the application recovers from unexpected conditions. The purpose of it is to let the users know what exactly went wrong and how they can solve this issue. Among common anti-patterns developers use in Java programming, catching general exceptions like Exception, RuntimeException, or Throwable is one of them.
This has several setbacks, which include obfuscation of bugs, reduction of code clarity, and general difficulty in debugging.
This article explores the pitfalls of catching generic exceptions, how to identify this issue using tools like CAST AIP, and best practices for more granular and effective exception handling in Java.

Understanding Java's Exception Hierarchy
Java's exception handling mechanism is built around a hierarchy of exception classes that extend from Throwable. The hierarchy can be summarized as follows:

  • Throwable: The superclass of all errors and exceptions in the Java language. It is the base class for all exceptions.

  • Exception: A subclass of Throwable, used to indicate exceptional conditions that a program may wish to catch.

  • RuntimeException: This is a sub-class of Exception. It represents those exceptions that could be thrown during the normal execution of the Java Virtual Machine. These classes in JVM defined by inheritance to be unchecked exceptions so it doesn't require being declared in a method's throws clause.


  • **Error: **A subclass of Throwable indicating serious problems that a reasonable application should not try to catch, such as OutOfMemoryError and StackOverflowError.

When exceptions are caught too broadly-testing for Exception, RuntimeException, or all throwables, for example-both checked and unchecked exceptions can be caught, often unintentionally. This can have the effect of masking a real cause of an error and removing any possibility of decent error-handling.

Risks of Catching Generic Exceptions
Catching broad exceptions can lead to several issues, compromising both code quality and application robustness:

  • Hiding Bugs and Masking Errors: Catching a broad exception can inadvertently catch exceptions that were not anticipated, including serious programming errors like NullPointerException or IndexOutOfBoundsException. This practice can hide bugs and make it difficult to understand what went wrong, hindering debugging and maintenance.

  • Code readability and maintainability may be reduced due to the catching of generic exceptions: The clear, specific error that is actually handled-and more importantly, why-is obscured. This lack of specificity might make the code less readable and harder to maintain, since the exception handling logic itself clearly does not convey what the developer was trying to achieve.

  • Hiding a fundamental condition: The risk here is that in catching Throwable or Exception, you catch things that you really should not-for instance, OutOfMemoryError or other Error types that generally indicate a more serious condition that you cannot handle gracefully.


  • Poor Resource Management: Catching exceptions too broadly causes bad resource management. For example, catching all kinds of exceptions without having proper resource close makes a reason for memory leaks or any other resource-based issues.

  • Exception Swallowing: Exceptions caught in a catch block without logging or re-throwing into more specific exceptions are considered "swallowed." Swallowed exceptions tend to mask the point of origin, preventing a sequence of where it occurred in your code.

Identifying Improper Exception Handling with CAST AIP
CAST AIP is a static analysis tool that can help identify instances of improper exception handling in Java code, including the use of overly broad catch blocks. By analyzing your codebase, CAST AIP can flag these issues and provide recommendations for more specific and effective exception handling.

  • Description: CAST AIP identifies catch blocks that catch exceptions of type Exception, RuntimeException, or Throwable, flagging them as potential violations of best practices in exception handling.

  • Rationale: The rationale for this rule is to promote more precise and meaningful error handling by encouraging developers to catch specific exceptions. This practice enhances code clarity, makes debugging easier, and ensures that only the appropriate exceptions are caught and handled.

  • Remediation: The recommended remediation is to replace the generic catch blocks with specific ones that handle only the exceptions that the code is prepared to deal with. Additionally, developers should log exceptions properly and consider rethrowing exceptions when appropriate to preserve the stack trace and facilitate debugging.


Code Examples: Risks and Best Practices
Here are some examples that illustrate the risks of catching generic exceptions and how to refactor them for better exception handling:

Example 1: Catching a Generic Exception

try {
    // Some code that may throw exceptions
} catch (Exception e) {  // Broadly catching Exception
    e.printStackTrace();  // Prints stack trace, but what exactly went wrong?


Problems with This Approach:

  • The catch block catches all subclasses of Exception, including IOException, SQLException, and even runtime exceptions like NullPointerException.
  • The code does not provide any specific handling logic for different types of exceptions.
  • The catch block only prints the stack trace, which is not helpful for production environments where logs are needed for diagnostics.

Example 2: Improved Exception Handling by Catching Specific Exceptions

try {
} catch (IOException e) {  // More specific catch block
    // Handle I/O error, such as logging or user notification
    log.error("An I/O error occurred: " + e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (SQLException e) {  // Specific handling for SQL exceptions
    // Handle database errors separately
    log.error("Database error occurred: " + e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (Exception e) {  // Catching general exceptions last
    log.error("Unexpected error occurred: " + e.getMessage(), e);
    throw e;  // Re-throwing the exception to preserve stack trace


Benefits of This Approach:

  • Specific Handling: Different exceptions are handled based on their type, allowing for more meaningful and targeted error handling.

  • Stack Trace Preservation: Throwing the exception again preserves the stack trace of the event, which makes debugging more feasible, and one can know under what context such an error occurred.

  • **Better Error Logging: **This is very important because logging does provide much better information about any occurring error for debugging purposes, which would be needed in a production environment.


Example 3: Avoid Catching Throwable

try {
    // Code that could potentially throw various exceptions
} catch (Throwable t) {  // Catching Throwable is generally a bad practice
    // Logging the error, but potentially catching serious Errors like OutOfMemoryError
    log.error("An unexpected error occurred: " + t.getMessage(), t);


Why This is Problematic:

  • Catches Errors: Catching Throwable will also catch Error types like OutOfMemoryError or StackOverflowError, which should not be caught and handled like normal exceptions. These are usually indicators of critical system issues.

  • Potentially Unsafe: Handling Error could lead to unpredictable behavior, as the application might try to continue running in an unstable state.

Refactoring to Avoid Catching Throwable:

try {
} catch (CustomException e) {  // Catch specific, expected exceptions
    log.error("A custom exception occurred: " + e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
    log.error("A runtime exception occurred: " + e.getMessage(), e);
    throw e;  // Re-throw after logging
} finally {
    cleanupResources();  // Ensure resources are always cleaned up


Best Practices for Robust Exception Handling
To improve exception handling and avoid the pitfalls of catching generic exceptions, follow these best practices:

  • Catch the Most Specific Exception First: Always catch the most specific exceptions first. This practice ensures that the catch block can handle the exception appropriately and reduce the risk of inadvertently catching unintended exceptions.

  • Avoid Catching Throwable or Exception Unless You Have To: Do not catch Throwable or Exception unless you have to. Top-level exception handlers that log all unhandled exceptions is one such case.

  • Log Exceptions Properly: When catching exceptions, always log the error with enough context to understand what went wrong. Include the exception message and stack trace in the logs to aid debugging.


  • Preserve the Stack Trace: If you catch an exception but cannot handle it meaningfully, consider re-throwing it to preserve the stack trace. This also helps in keeping the original error context, which makes for easier diagnosis and fixing.

  • Use finally block to explicitly free the resources: one should close the files, sockets, and database connections in a finally block. The try-with-resources statement includes freedom assurance of resources in case an exception occurs.

Example of Using Try-With-Resources for Resource Management:

try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("example.txt"))) {
    // Read file content
} catch (IOException e) {
    log.error("Failed to read file: " + e.getMessage(), e);

The try-with-resources statement automatically closes the BufferedReader, ensuring no resource leaks.

  • Educate the Development Team: Encourage good exception handling practices through code reviews, training, and guidelines. Ensure that all team members understand the importance of specific exception handling and the risks associated with catching generic exceptions.

In general, writing robust and maintainable Java applications means avoiding generic catches of Exception, RuntimeException, or Throwable. It is also good practice to catch specific exceptions and preserve the stack traces in order to log errors properly. This needs to be done to enable developers to write code that will allow other developers to debug, maintain, and understand it much more easily. Tools like CAST AIP can help detect and remediate incorrect exception handling practices to guide the developers toward recommended best practices for improvement in quality and reliability within their respective Java applications.

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Anubis Watal
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Alex Hudym
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