Avoid having package without enough Classes/Interfaces: CAST Software Issues

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September 13, 2024
Learn how to avoid underpopulated Java packages, improve code organization, and maintainability using tools like CAST AIP. Discover best practices for effective package structuring.

In Java, packages are fundamental building blocks used to organize classes and interfaces into logical groups. Properly structured packages enhance code organization, improve readability, and facilitate modular development. However, an anti-pattern often encountered in Java projects is the creation of packages that contain too few classes or interfaces. This practice can lead to unnecessary complexity, reduced maintainability, and a lack of logical cohesion in the codebase. This article explores the reasons for avoiding underpopulated packages, how to identify this issue using tools like CAST AIP, and best practices for organizing packages effectively in Java applications.

Understanding Package Structure in Java
A package in Java is a namespace that groups related classes and interfaces together. The main purposes of packages are:

  • Encapsulation: Packages help encapsulate classes and interfaces, reducing the likelihood of naming conflicts and improving modularity.

  • Logical Grouping: Packages logically group related functionality, making the codebase easier to navigate and understand.

  • Access Control: Packages provide a way to control access to classes and members, enhancing security and design flexibility.


A well-organized package structure should reflect the application's domain and architecture, grouping related components together and separating unrelated ones.

Example of a Well-Organized Package Structure:

├── model
│   ├── User.java
│   ├── Product.java
│   └── Order.java
├── service
│   ├── UserService.java
│   ├── ProductService.java
│   └── OrderService.java
└── controller
    ├── UserController.java
    ├── ProductController.java
    └── OrderController.java

In this example, each package (model, service, controller) contains classes that serve a related purpose, providing a clear and logical structure.

Risks of Packages with Too Few Classes or Interfaces
Creating packages that contain too few classes or interfaces can lead to several issues that affect code quality and maintainability:

  • Poor Logical Cohesion: Packages with only one or two classes may indicate poor cohesion, meaning that the grouping of these classes does not represent a logical or functional unit. This can make the code harder to understand and maintain.

  • Increased Complexity: Unnecessary packages add complexity to the project structure. Developers have to navigate more directories, making it harder to find and manage code, especially in large projects.

  • Reduced Maintainability: Sparse packages can lead to maintenance overhead, as changes to the project structure may require refactoring multiple packages, even when changes are minor. This increases the time and effort required for maintenance.


  • Misleading Organization: Small packages can mislead developers about the purpose and scope of the classes they contain. This can result in confusion, especially for new developers or contributors trying to understand the codebase.

  • Unused or Redundant Packages: Having packages with too few classes might lead to the accumulation of unused or redundant packages over time, which clutters the codebase and complicates project management.

Identifying Sparse Packages with CAST AIP
CAST AIP is a static analysis tool that can help identify packages with too few classes or interfaces in a Java codebase. By analyzing the project structure, CAST AIP can flag underpopulated packages that do not contribute to a logical or efficient organization.

  • Description: CAST AIP analyzes the package structure of Java projects to identify packages with fewer than a recommended number of classes or interfaces. These packages are flagged as potential indicators of poor organization or unnecessary complexity.

  • Rationale: The rationale for avoiding packages with too few classes or interfaces is to improve logical cohesion, reduce complexity, and enhance maintainability. A well-organized package structure helps developers understand the codebase and makes the project easier to manage and scale.

  • Remediation: To remediate issues with sparse packages, consider consolidating related classes into a single package or refactoring the package structure to better align with the application's domain and architecture. Remove redundant or unnecessary packages to simplify the project structure.


Code Examples: Identifying and Refactoring Sparse Packages
Here are some examples to illustrate the issue of sparse packages in Java projects and how to refactor them for better organization and maintainability.

Example 1: Sparse Packages with Single Class

├── utils
│   └── StringUtils.java
└── validation
    └── InputValidator.java


Problems with This Structure:

  • Single Class Packages: Both utils and validation packages contain only one class each, leading to poor logical cohesion and unnecessary complexity.
  • Misleading Organization: The presence of separate packages for a single utility and validation class might suggest that each package has more content or significance than it actually does.

Refactoring to Consolidate Packages:

└── common
    ├── StringUtils.java
    └── InputValidator.java


Benefits of Refactoring:

  • Improved Cohesion: The common package now contains both utility and validation classes, grouping related helper functions and utilities together.
  • Reduced Complexity: Fewer packages make the project structure simpler and easier to navigate.
  • Better Organization: The refactored structure reflects a more logical grouping of common functionalities.

Example 2: Over-Structured Packages in a Small Project

├── auth
│   └── AuthenticationService.java
├── data
│   └── DataRepository.java
└── config
    └── AppConfig.java


Problems with This Structure:

  • Over-Structured: The project is small, but the package structure is over-compartmentalized, with each package containing only one class.
  • Unnecessary Packages: The presence of multiple packages for a small number of classes adds unnecessary complexity.

Refactoring to Simplify Package Structure:

└── core
    ├── AuthenticationService.java
    ├── DataRepository.java
    └── AppConfig.java


Benefits of Refactoring:

  • Simplified Structure: The core package consolidates all related classes, reducing the number of packages and making the project easier to understand.
  • Easier Navigation: With fewer packages, developers can quickly find and manage the code, improving productivity.
  • Logical Grouping: All core functionalities are now in a single package, reflecting the small scope of the project.

Example 3: Using Domain-Driven Package Organization
For larger projects, consider using domain-driven design principles to organize packages by business domains rather than technical roles.

Initial Over-Segmented Structure:

├── models
│   ├── Product.java
│   └── Order.java
├── services
│   ├── ProductService.java
│   └── OrderService.java
└── controllers
    ├── ProductController.java
    └── OrderController.java


Problems with This Structure:

  • Separated by Technical Roles: The package structure separates classes by technical roles (models, services, controllers) rather than by business domains, which can make it harder to understand the functional relationships between classes.

Refactoring Using Domain-Driven Design:

├── product
│   ├── Product.java
│   ├── ProductService.java
│   └── ProductController.java
└── order
    ├── Order.java
    ├── OrderService.java
    └── OrderController.java


Benefits of Refactoring:

  • Domain-Centric Organization: Classes are grouped by business domain (product and order), making the codebase more intuitive and aligned with the application's functionality.
  • Enhanced Cohesion: Each package contains all classes related to a specific business function, increasing cohesion and reducing inter-package dependencies.
  • Scalability: The structure is scalable as new domains are added, making it easier to extend the application.


Best Practices for Effective Package Organization
To avoid creating packages with too few classes or interfaces and improve the organization of your Java projects, consider the following best practices:

  • Align Packages with Business Domains: Organize packages by business domains or functionalities rather than technical roles. This makes the codebase more intuitive and easier to navigate.

  • Ensure Logical Cohesion: Group related classes and interfaces together in the same package to enhance logical cohesion. Avoid creating packages with only one or two classes unless they represent a distinct and self-contained functionality.

  • Avoid Over-Structuring: Do not create excessive packages, especially in small projects. Keep the package structure simple and logical, adding new packages only when necessary to reflect distinct domains or modules.


  • Review and Refactor Regularly: Periodically review the package structure to ensure it still aligns with the application's architecture and business needs. Refactor packages that have become sparse or overly complex over time.

  • Use Clear Naming Conventions: Choose package names that clearly reflect their contents and purpose. Avoid ambiguous or overly generic names that do not convey meaningful information about the classes they contain.

  • Leverage Static Analysis Tools: Use tools like CAST AIP to automatically detect packages with too few classes or interfaces and other structural issues. These tools can help maintain a well-organized codebase and guide refactoring efforts.


  • Balance Between Depth and Breadth: Aim for a balanced package structure that avoids deep nesting while ensuring that each package groups a logical set of related classes. This balance makes the codebase easier to navigate and manage.

  • Document Package Structure: Use documentation to explain the package structure, especially in larger projects. This helps new developers understand the organization of the codebase and the rationale behind it.

Avoiding packages with too few classes or interfaces is crucial for maintaining a logical, organized, and maintainable Java codebase. By aligning packages with business domains, ensuring logical cohesion, and avoiding over-structuring, developers can create a package structure that is easy to understand, navigate, and extend. Tools like CAST AIP can help identify sparse packages and guide refactoring efforts, leading to a cleaner and more efficient project organization that supports scalability and ease of maintenance.

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