Avoid large number of string concatination: CAST Software Issues

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September 13, 2024
Discover the risks of direct access to non-static, non-final fields in Java and how CAST AIP helps improve encapsulation and maintain secure, modular code.

In regard to Java programming, encapsulation is a very basic principle that allows modularity, maintainability, and security because it protects an object's internal state; the interactions must occur through well-defined interfaces. A really basic breech in this principle is when some code accesses fields of another class that are not static or final. This easily can introduce unintended side effects, tighter coupling, and general robustness into code. Regarding the CAST Application Intelligence Platform, the subject of this discussion is among the most important issues related to maintaining quality, maintainable, and secure Java applications. The article will talk about the risks of using non-static, non-final fields of other classes, how to find these issues with CAST AIP, and best practices for reducing encapsulation.

Understanding Non-Static, Non-Final Fields in Java
Generally speaking, fields, or so-called member variables in Java, can be divided by their modifiers as follows:

  • **Non-static fields: **Fields belonging to the instance of the class. In other words, every object of the class has its copy of these fields.

  • Non-final fields: These fields are mutable; their values can be changed after being initialized.

When a class exposes non-static, non-final fields, it allows external classes to directly modify its state. This direct access undermines encapsulation by exposing the class's internal data and bypassing any protective logic that might exist.

Risks of Using Non-Static, Non-Final Fields from Other Classes
Accessing members of other classes that are non-static and non-final directly entails a number of serious risks, including the following:

  • Breaking Encapsulation: The encapsulation principle requires internal representation not to be directly accessible from outside an object. If other classes' members are accessed directly, this means the principle has been violated. Internal state is then exposed and risks being changed in an unintended manner.

  • Increased Coupling: Accessing fields directly from other classes creates tight coupling between those classes. Changes to the internal structure of one class could necessitate changes in every class that accesses its fields directly, complicating maintenance and reducing flexibility.

  • Unintended Side Effects: Direct field access can lead to unpredictable side effects. If multiple classes are allowed to modify the same field without any checks, it can result in inconsistent states or behaviors that are hard to debug.


  • Reduced Robustness and Security: Code that manipulates fields directly is more fragile and error-prone. It bypasses any validation or integrity checks that might be implemented in accessor (getter) or mutator (setter) methods, potentially leading to invalid states or even security vulnerabilities.

Identifying Issues with CAST AIP
CAST AIP is a software analysis and measurement tool designed to evaluate the structural quality of applications, including their adherence to encapsulation principles. CAST AIP can identify instances where non-static, non-final fields are accessed from other classes, flagging these violations for review and remediation.

  • Description: CAST AIP identifies instances of direct access to non-static, non-final fields from other classes. This rule is important for maintaining good encapsulation and minimizing inter-class dependencies.

  • Rationale: The idea of not directly accessing these fields is to be able to enhance modularity and maintainability. This is because, through encapsulation, codebases remain tidy, with fewer errors, and are easier to maintain or extend.

  • Remediation: Fix CAST AIP-flagged issues through direct field access by replacing them with controlled access methods like getters and setters.Additionally, consider making fields private or final to restrict direct access and modification.


Code Examples Illustrating the Risks
Let's explore some examples to highlight the problems caused by direct access to non-static, non-final fields.

Example 1: Direct Field Access Without Encapsulation

public class User {
    public String name;  // Non-static, non-final field

    public User(String name) {
        this.name = name;

public class UserService {
    public void updateUser(User user) {
        user.name = "Updated Name";  // Direct access to non-static, non-final field

In this example, the UserService class directly accesses and modifies the name field of the User class. This breaks encapsulation, as UserService can modify User's internal state without any constraints or validation.

Example 2: Increased Coupling and Unintended Side Effects

public class Order {
    public double amount;  // Non-static, non-final field

    public Order(double amount) {
        this.amount = amount;

public class DiscountService {
    public void applyDiscount(Order order) {
        if (order.amount > 100) {
            order.amount -= 10;  // Direct manipulation of Order's internal state

Here, DiscountService directly modifies the amount field of the Order class. This increases coupling between DiscountService and Order and allows changes to Order's internal state that might bypass necessary business logic.

Best Practices to Avoid Direct Access to Non-Static, Non-Final Fields
Also, it is good to maintain good encapsulation; best practices, to avoid the pitfalls of directly accessing non-static, non-final fields from other classes, include the following:

Getters and Setters: Access properties via getter and setter methods, providing controlled access to an object's internal state, where validation may be performed and business logic encapsulated.

Example with Getters and Setters:

public class User {
    private String name;  // Encapsulated field

    public User(String name) {
        this.name = name;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) {
        if (name != null && !name.isEmpty()) {
            this.name = name;

public class UserService {
    public void updateUser(User user, String newName) {
        user.setName(newName);  // Controlled access through setter

In this example, UserService uses the setName method to modify the User object’s name, allowing for validation and control over the modification.

Make Fields Private and Final When Appropriate: If a field should not be modified after its initial assignment, declare it as private and final. This prevents external classes from altering its state and ensures that it remains constant throughout the object's lifetime.

Example with Private and Final Fields:

public class Order {
    private final double amount;  // Immutable field

    public Order(double amount) {
        this.amount = amount;

    public double getAmount() {
        return amount;

Making amount final ensures that once it is set, it cannot be changed, preventing unintended side effects.

Minimize Exposure of Fields: Use the most restrictive access level possible for fields and methods. If a field does not need to be accessed outside its class, make it private.

Example of Minimizing Exposure:

public class Account {
    private String accountNumber;  // Private field
    public String getAccountNumber() {
        return accountNumber;
    protected void setAccountNumber(String accountNumber) {
        if (isValid(accountNumber)) {
            this.accountNumber = accountNumber;

    private boolean isValid(String accountNumber) {
        // Validation logic
        return accountNumber != null && accountNumber.matches("\\d+");

Here, accountNumber is kept private, and its modification is controlled and validated within the class, maintaining encapsulation.

  • Refactor Codebase Regularly: Regularly review and refactor your codebase to identify and eliminate direct field accesses. Automated tools like CAST AIP can help detect these patterns and enforce encapsulation best practices.

  • Educate Development Teams: Embed best practices for encapsulation through code reviews, training, and development guidelines that make sure all team members are aware of the importance of encapsulation and how to enforce it in their code.


It prevents other classes from directly accessing non-static, non-final fields, hence improving encapsulation, reducing coupling, and therefore making an application more robust. The best practices include the use of getters and setters, reducing exposure of the fields in general, making fields private or final when possible, and the use of CAST AIP, which can detect such violations.Maintaining these standards is key to building reliable, scalable Java applications in enterprise environments.

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Anubis Watal
CTO at Anycode
Alex Hudym
CEO at Anycode