Avoid using java.io.File : CAST Software Issues

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September 13, 2024
Learn why `java.io.File` is outdated, the benefits of `java.nio.file`, and how to transition your Java applications for better performance and modern file handling.

The java.io.File class dates back to the very beginning of Java. It serves for creation, deletion, and manipulations with file and directory paths. Unfortunately, java.io.File grew outdated with time, and its shortages brought in more functional and powerful successors in the Java Standard Library.

Modern applications require better handling of the file system. Using java.io.File creates a number of problems, including errorprone code, undeperformance, and lack of functionality corresponding to new features of the file system. This article discusses some points regarding the reason for avoiding the use of java.io.File, how to identify its usage in code, and best practices towards the adoption of modern file handling in Java.

Understanding the Limitations of java.io.File
The java.io.File class has conventionally been used for basic manipulations of files, such as reading and writing of files, handling of pathnames, etc. There are, however a number of important deficiencies in java.io.File that limit its applicability for modern applications:

  • **Operating Limited API: **the java.io.File API supports only basic file manipulation capabilities; it lacks support for many advanced file operations, such as symbolic links, file attributes, or file system traversal.

  • Poor Exception Handling: Many methods in java.io.File return false or null on failure rather than throwing exceptions. This can lead to error-prone code, as failures might be silently ignored if not properly checked.

  • Lack of Support for I/O Streams: The java.io.File class doesn't directly support in any way I/O streams or channels in their modern incarnations and hence are less efficient and more difficult to integrate with other parts of the Java I/O and NIO APIs.


  • Operating System Dependence: Some of the java.io.File methods behave differently depending upon OSes, thus such programs are OS dependent and more difficult to debug.

  • Lack of support for modern file system features: The class java.io.File has partial support for some new features that come with modern operating systems, such as symbolic links, ownership of files, and file system watchers.

The Modern Alternative: java.nio.file
In order to overcome these drawbacks of java.io.File, the Java platform has provided the java.nio.file package in Java 7; it provides the following Path and Files classes. These classes present a powerful, flexible, and more modern API for working with files in Java:.

  • API Summary: The java.nio.file package provides an extended API including create, delete, read, and write file methods, among others, such as copy. It also supports some advanced features: symbolic links, file attributes, and directory streams.

  • Better Exception Handling: Unlike java.io.File, methods in java.nio.file throw exceptions on failure, providing better error reporting and handling.

  • Integration with I/O Streams: The java.nio.file package integrates seamlessly with the modern Java I/O and NIO APIs, supporting efficient file operations using channels, byte buffers, and streams.


  • Cross-Platform Consistency: The java.nio.file API is designed to be consistent across different platforms, reducing the risk of platform-dependent behavior.

  • Support for Advanced File System Features: java.nio.file provides support for modern file system features such as symbolic links, file ownership, file permissions, and file system watchers, making it more suitable for contemporary applications.

Identifying Usage of java.io.File in Code
Java Applications must identify code usages depending of class java.io.File and refactor it. The modernizing task may be supported by CAST AIP that is able to scan the codebase and detect the occurrence of java.io.File usages in order to provide a workaround for using the API java.nio.file.

  • **Description: **CAST AIP detects uses of the class java.io.File and marks it as reviewed. The goal is to drive to the newer API java.nio.file to improve the quality, efficiency, and maintainability of the code.

  • Rationale: The usage of java.nio.file instead of java.io.File is justified because the new API supports more functionality, better error handling, and operating system independence in such a way that such requirements are highly essential for developing robust as well as scalable Java applications.

  • Remediation: Refactor code to make use of the Path and Files classes that are in java.nio.file package.This involves replacing instances of java.io.File with Path objects and updating method calls to use the Files utility methods.


Code Examples: Transitioning from java.io.File to java.nio.file
Let's look at some practical examples of how to replace java.io.File with the modern java.nio.file API.

Example 1: Basic File Operations
Using java.io.File:

File file = new File("example.txt");

// Check if the file exists
if (file.exists()) {
    // Delete the file

// Create a new file
try {
} catch (IOException e) {


Refactoring to java.nio.file:

Path path = Paths.get("example.txt");

// Check if the file exists
if (Files.exists(path)) {
    // Delete the file
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {

// Create a new file
try {
} catch (IOException e) {

In this refactored version, Path and Files replace File, offering better error handling and a more robust API.

Example 2: Reading and Writing Files
Using java.io.File:

File file = new File("example.txt");
BufferedReader reader = null;

try {
    reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
    String line;
    while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
} finally {
    try {
        if (reader != null) reader.close();
    } catch (IOException e) {


Refactoring to java.nio.file:

Path path = Paths.get("example.txt");

try (BufferedReader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(path)) {
    String line;
    while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {

The java.nio.file version is cleaner and leverages the try-with-resources statement for automatic resource management, reducing the risk of resource leaks.

Example 3: Handling Directories
Using java.io.File:

File directory = new File("exampleDir");

// Create directory
if (!directory.exists()) {

// List files in directory
File[] files = directory.listFiles();
if (files != null) {
    for (File file : files) {


Refactoring to java.nio.file:

Path dirPath = Paths.get("exampleDir");

// Create directory
try {
    if (Files.notExists(dirPath)) {
} catch (IOException e) {

// List files in directory
try (DirectoryStream<Path> stream = Files.newDirectoryStream(dirPath)) {
    for (Path entry : stream) {
} catch (IOException e) {

The java.nio.file API provides more flexibility and better control over file system operations, such as creating directories and listing directory contents.

Best Practices for Transitioning to java.nio.file
To get the most out of java.nio.file here is a couple of best practices that should be considered, among others:

  • Gradual Refactoring: When your code base uses quite a lot of the java.io.File do refactor. However, try to refactor piece by piece. First refactor those portions of the code that are most crucial and where the refactoring is going to pay off.

  • Utility methods in the Files class: the class java.nio.file.Files supports various convenient methods that perform common file operations-read, write, copy and move files-all in more powerful and often more intuitive and consistent manner than their java.io.File counterparts.

  • Best Practices for Resource Management: It is a good practice while working with the file to manage resources, like streams connected to files, by using a try-with-resources statement that will take care of the closing of the resources and hence avoid memory leaks.


  • Utilize Path Operations: The Path class offers several handy methods for operating on paths of files: resuming of a relative path, normalization of paths, and performing path operations such as relativize and resolve.

  • Embrace Modern I/O with NIO : To go the extra mile, instead of simply replacing java.io.File, embrace other features of the NIO API. This includes using FileChannel for highly performant file I/O operations, WatchService that allows notification upon changes to the file system, and ByteBuffer for advanced buffer management.

  • Profile and Test Thoroughly: After refactoring, profile your application to make sure performance has improved and there are no regressions. Thorough testing is important, ensuring the new code behaves correctly on all platforms and scenarios.

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Anubis Watal
CTO at Anycode
Alex Hudym
CEO at Anycode